To the Family of Sultan Abdullah Asiri,الي عائلة سلطان عبدالله عسيري ،، /

الي عائلة سلطان عبدالله عسيري ،، / To the Family of Sultan Abdullah Asiri
 السلام عليكم
    الي عايله سلطان عبدالله عسيري ،،
    هدا الابن عار علي هذه العايله. في عام ٢٠٠٩ شهر ٥ كان سلطان يدرس في الجامعه وخلال هده الفتره رزقه الله بمولود وهدا سهل جدا اثباته عن طريق الطب المتقدم والتحاليل. وعندما ولد ابنه يوسف قال انه سوف يتكفل بمصاريفه وسجلاته …الخ. ولكن للاسف لم يوفي بوعده. لان يوسف سوف يكمل ٣ اعوام بعد شهر. في الواقع يوسف بشوش الوجه وطفل جميل ومليئ بالسعاده. سلطان هو من اختار هدا الاسم لابنه ليحمل اسم العايله. وللمعلوميه ان النيه في داخلي ليست طمع في سلطان للزواج به لان هدا سوف يكون ضار علي ابنه يوسف. وانا سالت وطلبت السجلات الصحيه لابني يوسف. وحاولت ان احصل علي هده المعلومات من سلطان ولكن لم استطع. وانا علي استعداد ان اتواصل معاكم في هدا الشآن. الرجاء الاتصال بي
 Joseph – يوسف
 سلطان & يوسف – Sultan & Joseph
سلطان -Sultan
Comment from Sultan to Joseph – تعليق من سلطان الي يوسف
 I was and still suffer from studying and homework..
I wish you a wonderful and enjoyable life, my life is very difficult, and still very difficult, all the decisions that I have made were so difficult, non was simple. But, I love you and I love your mother, and I wish you all a wonderful life.” 
Written by Sultan Abdullah Asiri
(English Translation)
To the Family of Sultan Abdullah Asiri who reside in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
This letter is to inform you of the actions of your son Sultan Abdullah Asiri has and still continues to shame your family name.  In may 2009 while Sultan was studying at the University Of Findlay, he fathered a son. This can easily be proven with DNA.When Joseph was born he said he would always help financially and he would make available his medical records. To date he has done neither of those things.  Joseph will be 3 years old in May, he is a bright wonderful child that is so full of happiness. My beloved husband has chose to raise Joseph as his child and Joseph has taken his last name. Please know my intent is not to marry your son or have him be a father in any way that would be detrimental to the child. I do ask for any medical records that are relevant to my sons health be available. All attempts to get this information from Sultan have been exhausted. I am willing to communicate with you on this matter, Please contact me at
Thank you.
If anyone can help get this letter to Sultan Asiri or his family it would be greatly appreciated as he continues to ignore the mother of his son, pretending that they do not exist.

UPDATE. 11/07/2012

I have learned so much in the past year, the ups and downs have been enough to try anyone’s patience but through all the hardships I have found the most amazing people. They have been my saving grace during this difficult time. The family we have created and the bonds we share will last a lifetime.

Our numbers seem to keep growing and yet the Saudi Govt. is yet to take any action in disciplining their own people when they study abroad. The young and old men in our website still continue to live their life as if they were proper Muslim men marring virgin wives. The word whore is often used to describe the women effected. Family’s of these men ( Sultan Asiri’s family as well) when they are informed about their sons behaviour have a reaction that baffles us in the west. Pretending the problem does not exist seems to be the way some Saudis deal with a problem that is staring them in the face.

The majority of the women and adult children are Muslim and are raising their children alone. My dilemma there is with my own son is the fact that my sons father uses Islam as his excuse for his neglect and total abandonment of his son. How as a mother can I raise my son Muslim when his own father says that is why he hates his son? Why would I raise my son to ever believe that actions like that are acceptable because he is a male muslim? How can he pray to Allah and beg him to know his father while his father is praying that he never has to hear the name Joseph Martin or Jenniffer ever again. My son deserves better than that.

A Note To Sultan Abdullah Asiri.
I try to think back to a time when you and I were inseparable, up all night just talking about anything and everything that would pop in our heads. Hanging out with Fahad, Falah, and Tareq laughing so hard we thought we would die. You were in love with me and I you.
When I became pregnant you insisted I kill our child if I wanted to keep you you then showed me how important I truly was by sleeping with every girl you met and telling them you never knew me and you have no children. In the beginning people believed your lies and tall tales……then they get a look at your son and they all immediately know that you were a stone cold liar. Your defence was so unoriginal and comical….”o ya I know her she is crazy she says every saudi is the dad” REALLY??? First off look in a mirror and you will see what Saudi is the daddy. Second you KNOW you were the only man I was intimate with!! I was madly in love with you. I remember a time you lost your scholarship and were broke and homeless, I was struggling to put food on the table for my children and I took you into my home paid your bills washed your clothes and fed you. How is the favour repaid? You get your scholarship back after 8 months of living off me and my family and you go out and spend 3,000 dollars on a big screen tv for your new party pad while I have to get on welfare just to feed and clothe our son. I begged you for 10 dollars for diaper s and you flew into a rage saying you whore you only got pregnant so you can have my money, I tell you what let me send you a bill of money spent on Joseph thus far and see if the thousands of dollars I spent and the 0$ you gave seem logical at all.
When I created the website I hadn’t heard from you in months, when you found out about the website you broke into my house and hacked my computer with a key-logger and stole Joseph birth record. I had often wondered why you stole Josephs birth record? A few weeks ago I got my answer when you sent me the e mail with a picture of Josephs birth record saying I am a liar because your name was not on the birth record and my husbands name was put on file as his father. Sultan you know why I didn’t want your name on his birth record.
Now I can explain to the readers as to why.
I didn’t want Sultans name on the official birth record first and foremost he threatened if I did he would kidnap Joseph and I would never see him again (RED FLAG) With all the international child custody horror stories out there I refuse to ever give him access to my son when he is threatening to take him if I put his name on file or tell anyone that he is the father. Then there is the issue that Sultan did not want anything to do with his son, why on earth would I put his name down….Sultan does not deserve the honour of being listed as a father he is clearly not father or husband material. When I was presented with the fact that my husband could adopt Joseph and be put on his birth record I jumped on it. My husband who wants to be a father and loves every second he spends with his little arab prince deserved to adopt Joseph and be legally considered his FATHER. The safety and well-being of my son is to important to have a mad man listed as his dad. The day is coming where Sultan will be forced to do a DNA test and no amount of scheming lying and hiding will help. I look forward to the day I can post the results.

Just by some small miracle you are secretly wondering about how Joseph is doing in past couple of years……
Sultan he is still so short….he is going to have a little man complex….sound familiar?
His favourite colour is green and he loves to watch Yo-Gabba_Gabba & Pocoyo.
He loves spaghetti and pizza and can eat as much as a grown man. Sleeping with his blue blanket and pillow I made him for Christmas is a funny event every night. You would be so proud of how smart he is he can count all the way to a thousand and knows how to count by two’s threes excreta. Scary smart!! He loves to sing and dance to every day often on the black coffee table you left in my house. The sensitivity to clothes you had as a boy he shares, nothing scratchy on him or he will just strip all his clothes off ..even in public 🙂
Joseph is the poster child for cuteness. I do feel bad that you will never know what a light he is in this dark world. You will never know what it feels like to feel the world crashing down on you and have those small hands wrap around you in a hug and seeing the eyes of an angel looking back at you while he smothers you in kisses making all the troubles melt away. You have no idea what you have lost, the feeling of happiness you always wanted are not wasted on Matt, who is teaching Joey to be a little man. We get to see the child you refuse to and you have nothing to show of your life. I hope you will contact me about Joseph. Open your heart to the one person in your entire life who will want to know about you. He is your son…..please don’t have hate in your soul for an innocent child who did nothing wrong but have us as his parents.

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82 thoughts on “To the Family of Sultan Abdullah Asiri,الي عائلة سلطان عبدالله عسيري ،، /

  1. Dr.Ibrahem

    don’t know what to say ..I’m saudi .. and I’m so ashamed 😦
    if i can help u .. please contact me

    my deepest feelings for the kid and his mother

    • Thank you for your comment. This post is about my own child Joseph and his father Sultan. It breaks my heart that his father refuses such a beautiful, sweet little boy.

      • Dr.Ibrahem

        you probably hate every one from KSA right now …
        I don’t blame,mam

        but believe me he wouldn’t begin to represent us with this action of his.

        I’m sorry for you and your adorable son,Joseph. May god blesses him .Please if there’s anything I can do to help you don’t hesitate to ask.


      • I don’t hate everyone from KSA 🙂 Although my experience with my sons father has left a bad taste in my mouth so to speak.
        Saudi Arabia has a very large population and the vast majority of it is full of good honest people.

      • Mohammed A.

        I wonder what the father will reply to Allah, if asked him why did you abandon your own child? And do you think you will gain my Merci ?

        Father: if your heart is still beating don’t miss you final chance to rectify it. Your bless with a mother for your child who is doing anything for you and your sun. Don’t miss the chance.

        Bless you all

  2. Fahad

    What a shame :@
    why the hell he did that ???

    • I think he was afraid of what would happen if his family found out, so it was easier to ignore his son instead of loving him. It is such a shame that he is missing out on a chance to know his son.

      • ساره

        Afraid of what ? And if he is afraid of what you’ll accept .
        I am sorry but this is the case the majority of men and not all of them .
        Bonds, that God will not leave him , that God waits but does not neglect .
        And walk in you and in what he has done sooner rather than later his son, no matter what your religion , God does not accept injustice and oppression darkness on the Day of Resurrection .
        Dear from oldest to betray his Lord how not to betray his Lord create
        Islamic religion forbids adultery and is the oldest him
        Trust in God

        حسبي الله عليكم من رجال

  3. Anonymous

    They are players sweety .. And also shame on him

  4. Dr. Ali

    المستندات الطبية و الأوراق الثبوتية يمكن طلبها من المستشفى نفسه عن طريق أحد الوالدين ولا يوجد هناك ما يسمى بالاحتفاظ بالوثائق الطبية، لنفترض ضاعت او تلفت يمكن طلبها من أي جهة مسؤولة أنا طبيب ادرس حاليًا في أمريكا

    • Anonymous

      الموضوع لا يتعدى مسألة ابتزاز مالي و الغرض من نشر الموضوع بهذه الصيغة هو الضغط على عائلته لدفع مبالغ مالية. النظام القضائي في الولايات المتحدة صارم جداً وباستطاعة الام المطالبة بحقوقها عن طريق السلطات الرسمية ان كان لها حق من الأساس ولكن هي لم تلجأ للتشهير الا للضغط على الاسرة. كتبت باللغة الانجليزيةب انها متزوجة من شخص امريكي وبالعربية انها لا ترغب في الزواج من سلطان. الموضوع واضح قضية ابتزاز مالي كان الله في عون من له الحق

      • medo

        لا تقولي ابتزاز وخرابيط .. انا هنا بامريكا وشايف الوضع .. هذا ولده بالحلال بالحرام ولده من صلبه هو مسؤول عنه .. لا بارك الله فيه وفي تربيته يوم مخلي ولده كذا ..

        I’m so upset of all the stories here. I wish these people look back for their children cuz these beautiful children have no sen in the whole stories 😦

  5. Anonymous

    يا أيها الذين آمنوا إن جاءكم فاسق بنبأ فتبينوا أن تصيبوا قوما بجهالة فتصبحوا على ما فعلتم نادمين ( 6 )

  6. anonymoustruth

    يا أيها الذين آمنوا إن جاءكم فاسق بنبأ فتبينوا أن تصيبوا قوما بجهالة فتصبحوا على ما فعلتم نادمين ( 6 )

  7. from saudi arabia

    bring what proves that he is the father
    and contact with a saudi lawyer to sue him
    Saudi Islamic court force the father to pay outlay for both child and mother

    sorry if there is language mistakes .. God help u

  8. Abdullah

    I feel sorry for you. you should sue him, its not any kind of evil, sueing him will only make things better for you and your son since you have the childs custody.
    Hope you make the right decesion.

  9. نايف

    حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل حرام عليك ؤش ذنب الطفل حرام والله

  10. سوسؤ

    يأرب يأرب لإتاخذنا بما فعل أسفهاء مناا “

  11. SaudiGirl

    I’m a Saudi girl I feel so sorry for Joseph & his mother, I wish I can do anything to help all of you. حسبي الله عليكم من شباب اسأل الله العلي العظيم ان يكشفهم امام عائلاتهم و زوجاتهم ليعرفو حقيقة قلوبهم القذره
    This is not acceptable in islam btw, they r reflecting really bad image on how Muslims should be. I hope the best 4 u & ur adorable child.

  12. 3z

    ياهي سبت في السعوديات سببببب
    ( صاحبه المدونه)
    أرجعوا لأول تدوينه وشوفوا التعليقات

  13. Thank you all for your comments and support. I am trying to translate the arabic comments so the american viewers can read them as well.

  14. Anonymous

    Use condoms!!! FFS xD

  15. Rahaf bnt Mohammed

    العمل رائع بس ما اعجبتني فكرة نعالج السوء بالسوء
    ، بلاصح التشهير ماهو علاج للقضيه ، ياللي فيه خير صحيح يروح للسفاره السعودية ويطلعون اسم المبتعث ويتواصلون مع اهله ،
    ، وفيه حديث عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
    : ( من ستر على مسلم ستر الله عليه )
    يعني لكل شخص حط نفسك في مكان هالمبتعث الي هو عايش في ابتلاء الحين ، لابد.انه يغلط وابن ادم ماهو معصوم عن الغلط ،
    اللي سوا الموقع لو فيه فعلاً خير ويبي يجمع شمل الطفل مع الاب
    ماكان سوا هالتشهير بلاسماء والعوائل
    كان راح للسفاره وطلع اسم المبتعث وتواصلوا معاه
    أنا ما ادافع عن المبتعثين ابداً ،
    بس المسأله تعدت حدود الاصلاح. !

  16. rasamn2

    خير الكلام قليله وانفعه واصدقه …. نحن قوم ندعي الاسلام والايمان والصدق وهذا بعيد عنا بالفعل انا اصدق كل ماتقوله الاخوات هنا نحن ندعي الاسلام ولا نطبقه وهذا عار علينا الي يوم الدين …. الجنس لدينا هو الشي الاول في هذه الحياه ولا نفكر بالمرأه الا بما تحمله بجسدها ورغباتها الجنسيه فقط وغير ذلك فنحن نعود اصناما كأصنام قريش بل انني اشك بان اصنام قريش كانت تفهم وتعي ولها شعور اما نحن فنحن في وادي والاسلام في وادي وهذا ببركات محمد بن عبدالوهاب والوهابيه….. ورزقي على الله((كلمة حق وقلتها))

    • عبود

      الجزء الاول من كلامك لا يخلوا من الصحة..
      ولكن هجومك علي الشيخ محمد بن عبدالوهاب غير مبرر..
      ولكن انتشر في هذا الزمن امثالك ممن يدعون ان الاسلام لابد ان ياتي على هواه و ان لا يمنعه من متعه و لا يحرمه من لذه … و الاسلام دين و ضوابط للفرد و المجتمع

  17. Del

    Hi there
    You can go to the Saudi embassy and ask for help, alternatively if you know his national identity number I might help.

    I’m assuming that you can absolutely manage your sons life but the matter is whether you luv you husband or you want to take an action with him, not blaming you just pick one and go for it.

    Saudi really guys won’t do such as at all.

    All the best.

  18. Hello everyone. I would like to thank you all for taking the time to view the blog and make comments. Those who posted in Arabic I am working on getting them translated to I can reply properly so if you don’t see your comment listed it will be approved as soon as I can get it translated.

    First off I want to thank all those who have been supportive and sent messages offering help. Words can not express how grateful I am for all of your kind words. You have shown the world that there are wonderful people in Saudi Arabia. and you all are proof that not all Saudi’s hateful.

    Now for all that have chose to be cruel and leave comments saying that we are whores and are blackmailing the men for money…..Well in what world do you live in where when a woman tries to find the father of her child it is blackmail? I do understand why some in your culture consider us whores, but thankfully I live in a free society where we don’t treat others in that manner.
    Any woman who is currently in a relationship with a Saudi man please know what you are up against. You will find wonderful people who will be supportive but on the flip side many will not approve and if you find yourself pregnant with a baby by a Saudi you might find yourself on the receiving end of these malicious comments.

    I created the blog so other women would never feel alone or have to stand up alone. Your cruel comments only make me stronger and show me and the world why it is so important for us to stand up together against all those that would curse us.

    Ladies be strong and don’t let the distastefull comments bother you use them as the fuel that keeps you going. Remember we are doing this for our children and in the end it will be worth all the pain we have endured.

  19. Dr. Az

    Saudi Arabia.. meet accountability!!
    anyway, nice lookin kid you got there… Im pretty sure you’ll be hearing from these guys, since your blog has been reported on on alot of Saudi news sites today.. but just in case:
    Jeddah Branch:
    Riyadh Branch:
    Makkah Branch:
    Jizan Branch:
    Eastern Region Branch:
    Jawf Branch:
    Madina Branch:
    those are the branches of the national society for human rights, they have been known to have a role in cases similar to the ones you blog about.. and this is Awaser, they are an NGO dedicated to the families of saudis who are left abroad, as is your case.. you can email them on or you can visit the link above and fill up the “Case Study” request form…
    Best of Luck, and keep em comin!!

  20. Turki

    اولا ربنا لا تؤخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا ثانياً ودي اعرف وش علاقة الشيخ المجدد محمد بن عبدالوهاب في س سالفة هالشخص اللي تعدي حدود ربه وتعدي علي حرمات الله الشيخ كل شي اتي به من القران وسنة الحبيب عليه الصلاة والسلام

  21. Dr. Alanoud

    I really feel sorry for you,I couldn’t read the rest of your story cos I cried for u before ur son,,u built many dreams and did many things for him and at the end he doesn’t deserve u and ur little angel Yousef,,,may Allah protect both of u,,and we r with u,,,,,it’s a shame for all men (Saudi or others )who did that with women cos they aren’t true men and they deserve harsh punishments,,,we as Saudi ppl are with u ,,,u should find a way for u first and for ur child xxx if u need a help plz don’t hesitate to contact me:)

  22. والله صدمة ليه كذا ياسلطان والله أنك رجال ولد رجال ومتربي أحسن تربية ، لكن أيش صار بالدنيا ليه كل هذا !!! لو متزوجها أرحم لكن زنا ياسلطان !! آخر ماتوقعته منك والله 😐

    سؤال ليه أغلب شبابنا قذر وتفكيره من تحت السره ، لواط زنا سفاح ليه شوهتو الإسلام ليه خليتونا مسخره قدام العالم !

    وفوق كل هذا يجي واحد يقول لو تتزوجها أحسن من تجي السعودية تآخذ لك شيفة !! هذي نظرتك لبنت بلدك ياجرثومة أنتو عاهات على الإسلام والدين ، أقسم بالله ماشفت أوسخ منكم ولامن نظرتكم لأنفسكم ولامن تفكيركم ،، ويعنني أحنا الشعب الفلة إللي يحب الضحك والزحف والوناسه ،

    وش أقول ووش أخلي كل شئ بمجتمعي منتهي إلا من رحم ربي !!

    • العالمي707

      تتكلم عنه وكانك تعرفه
      كلمة تعرفه حط عليها خط احمر
      رجاء لا تتكلم عن شخص انت وغيرك ما يعرفه
      الرجال مو له في ذي الامور وكفايه فضايح وغيبه وبهتان

  23. Yara Sa'ad

    You have a beautiful baby .. Really he is a beautiful .. I don’t know what I will say just you are a perect Mum and girl has beautiful baby .. I am sure , God loves you and with you . I hope to end this problem soon for you and your baby .. be stronge God with you ..

  24. abu rashed

    really ASHAMED
    do u know his address ?
    just contact me if u do !
    god bless u and ur adorable child .

  25. Faisal Mangour

    Ever since I read this blog, I developed a strong feeling of sympathy towards the abandoned Saudi children and their mothers. That feeling is not surpassed only by anger and resentment toward their lawless and cowered fathers.

    I feel obligated to spread the word and make sure those cowered fathers are known to all for what they have done to their own flesh and blood.

    I hope that what is remained from justice will be restored and a hefty price will be paid by those who did not take on their BASIC and most elementary responsibilities toward their family, society and the world.

  26. Asiri

    so you just want the medical records !!!
    will we don’t have medical records in Arabia
    and I don’t think that even the next generation will have one
    we’r a third world country u know .
    or you rely want money ???? you are married with a other man and you want to keep the child , and we don’t have medical records whats left ??? ahh money
    الانسة تقول انها متزوجة من رجل ثاني وانا تريد الاحتفاظ بالولد وتقول انها لا تريد سوا السجلات
    الطبية ومصاريف الولد ومن المعلوم اننا لانملك سجلات طبية للعائلة في السعودية يعني مابقي الا الفلوس
    بالعربي تبغى فلوووس وبتبتز الولد بالتشهير

    • Uhm no incorrect sir what is left is a man having the balls to do what is right by his own flesh and blood. Mr Asiri….. interesting name…please know that I dont want Mr Asiri’s two penny’s!!!! His son Joseph is being loves clothed and cared for by my sweet husband, Joseph will not want for anything in his life ACCEPT to know his biological father. Who are you Mr Asiri to deny him his god given right to know about his father? Are you the one taking him to the DR? Are you the one who kisses and tucks him in at night> Do you know his favourite tv show or colour? Do you know what his favourite food is? Or how about his favourite spot to be tickled? Than you and his father have something in common YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME OR MY SON!!!! Know this Mr Sultan Asiri I will not go away just because you wish it and the more you push and try to make me look like I want you or your dirty money , you make me fight more. I will always be stronger than you I have something to fight for unlike some of the men who only want to hide and smear the women and children you once claimed you love. I will win because I have our son which PROVES you are his father and one day my dear your govt will come after these men, then we will post the results for all to see that we are telling the truth. So take your daft comments about wanting money and shove them!!!! Men like you cannot hide any more!!!!!

      • American Woman

        With all due respect, but the only thing it seems that your beautiful son is going to know about his father is what you post on this blog or whatever you may say.

        I just don’t see how you figure this to be very productive for yourself and your family.

        I don’t agree with people calling you bad names or being disrespectful, but you living multiple lives (past/present) and blogging about them just doesn’t make sense to me.

        Btw, I was married, had children and was abandoned by my American husband. But alhamdulillaah, I met and married a wonderful, loving, caring Muslim who has helped me raise my children.

        We lived in the same city as he and his family (parents, siblings, etc.) and no one held him accountable for his behavior. He even tried to accuse me of having an affair and saying our youngest son wasn’t his.

        Sad thing is after abandoning us, he tried to take the children away from me. Sad 😦

        Alhamdulillaah, the courts left my children with me. They’re proud that my husband stepped up and helped raise them. In the meantime, they learned who their father really was, all from him. I just sat back and watched.

        So move on now that you have someone to help raise your son and other children. Let it your sons decision to confront his father if he feels the need or desire to do so. Teach him to pray for his father (asking Allaah to forgive him/you). Focus on teaching him Islam and how to treat women. This will make him a better man than his father, insha Allaah.

        May Allaah grant you and your family all that is good, ameen.

    • FM

      It’s easy for Sultan. All he has to do is recognize his son and take care of his basic needs. It does not take much. It’s the least that could be done, on ethical grounds.

      Leaving the moral issues aside, It will leave nothing between him and his ex wife to blemish his reputation. And It’s easy, it only requires him to call every now and then, visit occasionally and wire money monthly [a trivial amount, really].

      My advice: A) Call his ex. B) Resolve all the issues. C) Agree on a monthly allowance for his son [one which is reasonable and affordable to him]. D) Keep on touch with his son [call him and visit occasionally]. No time to waste. The later he resolves this issue, the more his reputation will be tarnished.

    • wejdan

      والله هذا الشيء من حقها هو صار ابوه ومن واجبه كأبو انه يصرف على اطفاله *وهذا الشيء اجباري في الاسلام ومو اختياري*

  27. لكل الي يقول ابتزاز و خرابيط ، ياخي من متى الامريكي ولا الأمريكية تدور على ابتزاز ، ومن مين ؟ ، لكن هذي عقلياتكم الي تفشل المشكلة قائمة ولازم تعترفون فيها ، عيالكم يسافرون للخارج و يسوون الي يبونه من محرمات ثم يرجع و يسوي فيها امام مسجد! خلك رجال و تحمل نتيجة غلطتك ، ولا النفاق حتى في هذي؟

    لكل من ترك ولده بالخارج ، ياخي ولدك مسلم بالفطرة و تركته بالخارج لمين؟ ذنبة اولا في رقبتك ، وثم ذنب الزنا ، ثم نكرانك لابنك و رمية رمية الكلاب ، ولا ننسا للطابع عن ديننا الي تركته بالخارج

    القصص هذي ليس بامريكا فقط و الي من جنوب شرق اسيا قصص يشيب لها الرأس! تبا لشعب تفكيرة من تحت السرة

    • العالمي707

      الرجال ما تعرفه عشان تتكلم عليه وتتبلاه
      انا ما اسمح لك لا انت ولا غيرك بذا الكلام رجاء احترم الرجال ولا تتفوه عليه بما ليس فيه
      ولو فيك خير ما سبيت شعبك لكن الله يصلحك

      • FM

        لحسن الحظ أنا لا أعرف سلطان. ومع ذلك، استطيع ان اقول ان ابنه هو نسخة كربونية منه….

        إذا كنت تعرف سلطان، أطلب منه أن يكون رجلا ويترقى إلى مسؤولياته .. والوضع في رأيي بسيط … كل ما يتعين عليه القيام به هو الاعتراف بابنه وتحمل مصروفه .. مبلغ بسيط…بلا قعط

      • no name

        لا نعرفو كويس وهوا وسخ وما استبعد تكون زيو طالع يا واطي

      • sfsf

        انت تعرفه يعني؟ ليش الدفاع المستميت عليه؟ ربي جعل ولده كربون منه و انت تتفلس. شكلك سلطان، صحح غلطتك وراك قبر

  28. العالمي707

    اتمنى ما احد يصدق ذا الكلام نهائيا

  29. jamal

    أقول الله يلعن من جمعكم يا جحلط يا حوش مسوي لي فيها كل واحد منكم.الشريف النظيف كل واحد يحط لسانه بحلقه لأبوكم لأبو من جمعكم وانتي ياصاحبة المدونه أحد عطاكي وجه استفدتي شيء من اللي سويتيه سالفتك لها 3 شهور أحد رد عليكي مالت عليك الله يأخدكم واحد واحد

    • العالمي707

      بالنسبه لكلامك ذا اذا انت متعود تقوله دايم في بيتك اتمنى تحتفظ فيه لنفسك
      لان في ناس ما هي متعوده تشوف ذي الالفاظ اللي تدل ع تربيتك العاليه

  30. Majed

    I’ve known Sultan for many years and he was my dearest friend!
    The last time I saw him was in 2009 when he congratulated me for my marriage. I’ve never thought of him as this way, and I cannot describe how shocked I’m right now seeing his pictures in this situation. You don’t need to prove to me that it is his identical son because the minute I saw Joseph I saw his father’s eyes!!!
    You’re a strong woman and you don’t need me to tell you to hang in there for your child, but I promise you this; I will look for him, I’ll ask whom he used to hang out with, in house he used to live in, and everything I can.
    And Sultan; you used to call your self the predator in high-school, so I sure hope you live up to your nickname!
    and the rest must know

    ( مَا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ )

    Regards to all!!!

  31. العالمي707

    موفق اخوي سلطان واحنا معك
    وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

  32. hassan

    يوم القيامہ تُعرض عليك اعمالك ومن بينہا ستجد ( لواط – سحاق – زنـا – ربا – عقوق والدين – اكل مال اليتيـم – سرقہ – كذب – شرب خمر – لعب قمار … إلخ

    و تصرخ لحظتہا يَا رب من أين لي هذآ
    و أنا واللہ لا زنيت ولا ولا ولا !!

    هذه كلہا سيئاتهم التي اخذتها من الـغيبہ فيهم وھم اهم حسناتي يتنعمون فيہا ‘(
    في وقت اكون انا ميت احتاج حسنہ وحده !
    وأنا ارمي بجهنم بسبب ذنوبہم إللي
    جمعتها و طہرتهم منها !

    طيب أقروا هنا الطامہ الكبرى ↓
    قال الرسول عليہ الصلاة ۅالسلام :
    ( لما عرج بي مررت بقوم لهم أظفار من نحاس يخمشون وجوهہم وصدورهم , فقلت : من هؤلاء ياجبريل ؟ قال : الذين يأكلون لحوم الناس ويقعون في أعراضہم )
    ترى احنا مسؤولين عن اي علم نعرفہ ومانوصلہ .

    اللهم احفظ لساني عن العالمين واجعل كتابي في عليّين ♡̷̷̷̷̷̷̷
    اللهم لاتجعلنا منهم !!
    انتبهو يا عالم

    • 3asal

      فـ عن أسماء بنت يزيد قالت :
      قال النبي ” من ذب عن عرض أخيه بالغيب كان حقا على الله أن يعتقه من النار”

  33. MarT

    طبيعي هذا اللي يصير
    شباب مكبوت حده مايشوف امه الا ببرقع
    وتشيله من قلايع وادرين وترميه وسط اللحم الابيض المتوسط
    لحوم وشحوم وشقر
    وتفعيص وتلميس عيني عينك وببلاش
    الله يلعنهم فشلونا

  34. Meccan Lady

    وصاحبة المدونة وين حقها والولد البرئ وين حقه. انا لو احد اتهمنى بمثل هذا الاتهام الشنيع لا سمح الله راح اطلع قدام الناس وأنكر الوضوع اذا كنت برئ مو ادفن راسي بالتراب زى النعامة واسوى كانه ما صار شى. يا حبيبي انت وهو هذى اعرض ناس ماهى لعبة والله يخلي لنا التحاليل الطبية اللى تثبت من الاب. الام طالبة تحليل الحمض النووي، خليه يحلل ونشوف اذا هى صادقة ولا تتبلاه. وصل الكذاب لحد الباب والموية تكذب الغطاس. ولا تنسى انه قانونا له الحق فى مقاضاتها اذا كانت تكذب
    عموما عاجلا ام آجلا راح يجيبو أشباه الرجال ويخضعوهم للتحاليل وان شاء الله تتم محاكمتهم وجلدهم وسجنهم جزاء لهم ويتم الصرف على الاطفال الابرياء على حسبهم والاعتراف بالابوة غصبا عنهم وخشمهم فى التراب لان الله لا يرضى بالظلم و السعوديين شعب يحب العدل ويوقف مع الحق لان هذا اللي علمنا اياه رسولنا يوم قال انصر اخاك ظالما او مظلوما. فيا مدافع أفندى ياريت لو تخاطب المتهمين وتشجعهم على مواجهة الواقع وكفاية تجاهل للموضوع . اذا كان أخطاء فباب التوبة مفتوح والله غفور رحيم لمن تاب وعمل صالحا وتحمل مسؤولية أفعاله وذكرة ان الله شديد العاقب و نار جهنم ما فيها لعب. واذا كان مظلوم هى تتبلاه خلي يدافع عن عرضه ويثبت بالتحليل انه مظلوم وانا برفع قضية رد اعتبار فى امريكا على المدعية حتى يأخذ حقه منها. والجمهور الكريم ياريت كلنا نفكر فى الطفل البرئ اللى ماله ذنب وله حقوق وحط نفسك مكان هذ الطفل اول شى حتى تحس بمدى الظلم اللى تعرض له من أبوه

    • yup

      يا ….

      تحليل دي ان اي غير معترف به في المملكه لدعاوى اثبات النسب على حد علمي 🙂
      بدال الخرابيط الي قاعده تخربطينها خلك مع الشرع وشوفي اش يقول

      خارج اطار الزواج الشرعي الولد للفراش وينسب للأم

      هم هناك لو ماجابته منه لو كلامها صحيح بتجيبه من أي احد بس الموضوع طمع في الماده و على فكره بينهم و بين بعض اردى و اشد من كذا 🙂

      تتكلمي عن اشياء ماتعرفي فيها شي ومن غير سند شرعي

  35. Najwa

    I think the baby look exactly like his father, there is no need for DNA test and stop throwing your mistakes on other people shoulders.
    I am a PHD student in the states and I think the guilty are the guys because they are the one who broke their traditions and did not respect their culture , what happened is OK in the girls culture, but not in the boys one, they should respect their religion, families and society if they were grown up well

  36. no name

    i know this guy for very long time and what ive saw it doesn’t shock because he was an asshole ,a drug addict ,and a pussy he slept with alot of girls and he doesn’t even have any honer nor respect to woman’s kind your a brave woman and he deserve this scandal

    يستاهل الفضيحة لانو واحد حيوان وزاني ووسخ تفوو عليك وعلى ايلي رباك يا واطي يا ابن الكلب

    • I knew him for over 6 years and it wasn’t until I had Joey that he went nuts he changed into a completely different person. He really was a great guy at one point, but I think it was all just an act. The only thing I know for sure is he makes beautiful smart children and he is to stupid and suborn to give real love to the one person in the world who truly deserves to start his life with with his father hating him.
      Now sadly he was forced to marry because his family found out about Joseph so they quickly made him marry before his family name was tarnished and they wont be able to pawn their black sheep son off as a good man. Now he has ruined a woman who saved herself for a man who has had more women than he can even remember and he has a son who he curses. Another life has been ruined by ……a cowardly small man. I hope his wife’s family sees what they have married their daughter to, and confront him about his life while in America.

  37. no name

    well he have stds too btw and he admitted to the wife as well

    • Ewww he is so unclean. And he calls me a whore? My heart goes out to his wife can you imagine you wait your whole life to get married to a good Muslim family man …and she ended up with a dirty man that will give her an std!!!
      What pride Joseph will have in his father….

  38. no name

    she is hiv + he used to practice used needles and unprotected sex when i met him he told me that you are a whore and its not his child and you are after his money and his family believed him

    • wait who is HIV+ sultan or his wife? HOLLY GOD!!!! How could he get married when he has aids? I dont have any idea why anyone would ever believe him he lies and lies. He knows Joey is his…he knows he has been busted.
      I am still blown away by the hiv thing. Not trying to doubt you….but is it a rumour or is it confirmed?

  39. no name

    im not sure yet but ill conform it to you if positive or negative this guy is an asshole and his family are trying to hid the scandal

    • We are making it more difficult for them to hide. His family is only bringing more shame on them selves pretending he is a good boy. When the day comes for the DNA test that proves everything I have been saying is the truth and I post the results on the web and then maybe they will see their son is a lost cause and they have a beautiful smart worthy “Asiri” who deserves their love more than a jerk who does not care about anyone but himself. He has brought this scandal to his family he dosent care that other people are effected by his selfish actions.
      I do look forward to hearing what you find out and I am sure the readers will want to know his fate as well. And if you see Sultan….tell him the determined American woman says hello.

      • Faisal

        I honestly do not know that guy (I mean the guy who you are replyin to which named (no name) but I do not think he knows him! in fact you know? I do not like what Sultan did and hope someday he wake up and do men things! (know his child more better “do what a father has to do”) I am so sorry for your very sad experience, but acting that way will not do anything good to you or to Sultan, and do not be so harsh at him (I am trying to be with him) what I read in his written paper made me feel so sad and almost cried I do not know that guy but I felt he loved you and loved his son, but he made that decision because of his family, you are hating him right now because you will never understand how is it hard, ALSO! as I said I do NOT know him YOU must know him better if he was an asshole or not, but what I am seeing is he loved you and your child I am so so so so so so so so sorry soooooooooo sorry. and as I read at first of your post was something like (this son is the shame of your FAMILY)
        I do not get it what do are trying to say? see it IS soooo soooo harsh language, and I do not thing you should speak to his family as they were wrong. I thing you should be more serious than writing just posts, (YES I KNOW YOU ARE NOT LYING) BUT you need to decide weather you are going to take action against him or just write posts.
        there is an organization that called ( Awasser) they deal with such stories like yours, they will do everything for you and assist you with everything you need! JUST GO ON! GO OVER IT
        I hope HOPE and WISH you find what you are trying to find
        All the best to you and your son Joey
        take a very good care of him 😀
        I am sorry if I said anything you do not like, but it is all because I do not know you or Sultan and I tried to be with both of you 😛
        anyway be stronger at least you have an angel 😀

      • Thanks for your comment Faisal. First I would like to say that I have contacted Awasser several times and they have never responded this has been the case with all the women on the blog. Secondly I said the harsh language to his family because they know about what their son did they know about Joseph and instead of teaching him to do the right thing they quickly and quietly made him get married before any future wives found out what their future husband did while studying in the US. My concern is my child not his family’s feelings for they could care less about mine or Joseph’s welfare. I also want to point out that in my blog I am taking action against him, in just the past few months the Saudi Govt. has taken notice of the blog and is working on fixing a problem that has span over 30 years. While Sultan AND his family continue to ignore the problem what other action could I take? I cant take him to court in the US he is in Saudi Arabia?
        What would you have me tell my son? Get over it Joey that is just how Saudi men are? Or do I teach him that one person can make a difference in the world, never back down and be a strong person. I want my son to know his mom is a fighter and would go to the ends of the earth if that ment he would one day know his father. That is my job as his mom, to always stand up for my children.

  40. j

    he cant have hiv or the woman, and if they do, then they agree to marry. saudi government forces disease test on anyone to marry. also, if he is capable of spreading lies on this mother of joey, then for sure he spread a lie on his current wife for having aids. and if he did, for sure he will be dealt with by the family for spreading such rumors. that would mean she wasnt a virgin when married. unless a blood transfusion went bad, but that doesnt happen anymore these days. at all. wow, such a toxic situation going on. i hope peaace happens for everyone soon.

    • I know the whole AIDS thing is very confusing to me. The only thing that would make sense if it is true, is when he married this woman he didn’t have the virus and when he brought her back to the USA he cheated on her and got HIV and passed it along to his wife. Sultan has a horrible reputation in my town as being very dirty. I did have a friend who said she saw him at a party after he got married and he was with a few different women sexually at the party.
      Sultan is a proven liar and cheat and I wouldn’t put it past him to contract AIDS but I hope for my sons sake it is a lie I don’t want Sultan to die and my son never get closure.

  41. j

    you could have filed for child support and if he didnt pay, he would be arrested at the airport when he arrived or depart. but you cant do that now because the child doesnt carry his fathers name on the birth certificate. i think you can change it. and i wouldnt worry about sultan taking him back to saudi. you have to have passports and he has no way of getting one with his photo. and he would never get to have visitaion rights alone. you can have that fixed. i really think the hiv story is a lie. something he wants to have you believe, so you will think he will maybe die soon. and leave him alone. i would make his life miserable with the child support claim, and have his ass in jail..oh justice..for all. funny. and it will keep him out of the usa. a place he likes to be. no reason for him to be in america if he isnt going to acknowlegde his child.

  42. Honestly the fear of him kidnapping my son was very real, he is the type of person who would have done such a thing if I took him to court while he was in USA. The other problem with filing for child support is every time a woman files court papers on these Saudi men is the Saudi embassy finds out and right away they send them back home before he can be taken to court. The Saudi Govt. wants proof that these men have children but they do everything they can to prevent us from giving them the proof. One of my friends who has a story on here went through this. The day the court papers were filed for child support for her twin daughters the embassy was informed and 2 days later he was sent home so he could finish his studys and then the embassy refused to help her saying she didn’t have the DNA test to prove that Raji was the father to her girls. It is enough to make your head spin!!

    I really do hope the story about Sultan having AIDS is just him trying to get me to feel bad for him and stop. Although he should know NOTHING will ever stop me from getting justice for my son and the others on this site. This is bigger than just my need for justice, I created this site so no one in this situation would ever feel alone in their struggle and the bond all of us share will last a lifetime. No matter what happens with Sultan he an never take away what I have accomplished by making this site. I took my pain and made a positive out of it while he is hiding and having a bad life living every day in his own little hell.

  43. j

    yes, true. and the ones removing their blog off this site is understandable ,but the name of the father is now getting away with it and can live like he wants, and no future wife will know about his past. i would never marry a man like that, if i know about it. never ever. there are too many men in the world to waste on losers. and i look at the names of these men so in case a female in my family wants to marry, does not choose these men. and i truely dont think these men care about what they did or have fathered a child and left them behind. saudi men are odd when it comes to kids. they dont raise them. the mother does. only a rare good man will care and fight for his child or he just doenst care. i never saw a saudi man change a diaper. oh, hell no. if he does, he is trying to look good to his wifey. i dare any saudi man to challenge that

    and sultan, im very sure does not have aids, but im concerned at the statements of him sleeping around with anything. this is a problem for the female. it is not healthy. her risk of cervical cancer is greater with the more partners a man has had. it passes to the females. i dont know how to explain, but not good.

    and about the girl with the cute twins, she did the right thing. no matter if the saudi gov made him go back or not. he still was going to leave her empty. good that she got his privileges of traveling out of his country taken away. if he had stated that those were his kids to his gov, then he will be talking to her. he can work things out if he really wants to. and you could do the same to sultan, if you want. and have his privileges of traveling here to america taken away. if you dont pay child support you go to jail, and so, he will never come here. he should not be here if he is never going to recognize his son. and if you dont want child support and only him having a relationship with j, then dont ask for child support. but if he denies you, then go forward with getting that man out of the country. he just might start talking to you.

  44. American Woman

    Mother of Joey,
    In Islam when a Muslim comments a sin and repents it can be forgiven (just like that).

    Sultan may have committed many awful crimes, but Allaah forgives those who make sincere repentance.

    Allaah is Merciful and He Loves to Show Mercy.

    I don’t know if you’re Muslim, but if you are, you’ve crossed over into gossiping and backbiting, but you too can be forgiven, if you stop this and make sincere repentance.

    May Allaah guide you, ameen

  45. Pissed off Saudi

    That F%#$ B#$#@…Joseph is better off without knowing this $#@#@.
    If I was him I will never abandon any of my kids.

  46. A.M

    I do not think this is crossing over to backbiting or gossiping. This woman has been wronged. This man has commited grave sins (kaba’ir) openly and without shame. She, and her son, have rights over this man. He, his family and even his country, who claim to be Islamic and abide to Islamic rulings, do everything in their power to prevent her and her son from getting what is their right. Not to mention that the man, in Saudi, should have recieved 100 lashes for his fornication and should not have been allowed to marry a virgin in the first place without repentence and in this case (since the fornication has become proven) recieving his punishment. But you know, in Saudi they only lash female rape victims while hundreds and thousands of Saudi men go to other countries (both Muslim and non-Muslim) commit fornication or undergo un-registered marriage ceremonies with innocent Muslim pure sisters and then leave them and their children as they were nothing but trash.

    This is the reality. This is a huge problem, and to talk ablut it openly and confront it is necessary if we want any change. Personally, I am not sure if I would go out on a blog and speak about my personal story (alhamdulillah, I have no!) – but I respect others who chose to do so.

    I can assure you that this attitude and mentality is not only restricted to Saudi men, even though this is a very extreme example. Many Middle Eastern men come to Europe and fornicate and then later go back home and marry a virgin while he had his little fun already. Then SOME of them all of a sudden become “rightous” Muslim men and treat their wives like sh*t and have “gheera” by forcing them to leave school and work and have limited relations with friends or any kind of social life. You know, “for the best place for a woman is her home”. I mean, the horror stories I have seen with my own very eyes. I am a devout Muslim who lives in the West. I have seen this again and again with my own eyes.

    I do not only feel sorry for this woman and her child, I also feel sorry for the woman that sorry excuse of a man married before this whole “situation” got known through this blog. I can only imagine the horrors she must live with because of his life choices.

    I really hope that his sins get exposed because that is the only way for him to pay for what he has done. And NO, I repeat NO repentance can be enough if the sins you commited affected other people. That is why, according to shariah, a person who stole must return or compensate for what he has stolen before his repentance is complete because he has wronged other people. And Allah cannot forgive a person on behalf of someone else. The wrongdoing a person commits towards Allah by sinning and not obeying His commands is up to Allah to forgive – Allah if all-Forgiving and Merciful. But the wrongdoings against other people must be dealt with as well, either in this life or the next…

  47. هههههههههههههههههههههههه فضحنا الله يفضحه دنيا واخره وش ذا المفروض يحس على دمه ذا ولده من لحمه و\دمه الله يمحي اشكاله عن ذي الكره الارضيه فضحتنا الله يفضحك تفف الشرهه مو عليك على اهلك ما ربوك عدل 🙂

  48. karl lumbardi

    hi , what that man did to you is wrong ! please do not judge us saudis by the mistake he did , i feel sorry for you and your adorable child .
    he sure is the spitting image of his father with some enhancement from your beautiful color .
    god bless you.

  49. Pingback: ألمؤسسة العسكرية التى تحتاج الى تطهير | مدونة انسان

  50. Maha

    I am a Saudi woman and I cried so hard reading your honest words and seeing the pictures and Video of your adorable son. From a mom to a mom, you are a HERO!
    I feel so small and terribly ashamed that someone holding same nationality as I did this horrible thing a wonderful person like you and a sweet child like Joseph. Maybe God loves your child and knows it’s best that he is better off being raised by an American man than a Saudi boy !
    I pray for you, your husband, your son and all your children to have a wonderful happy blessed life. Again I am so sorry that this has happened and I hope this Asiri person mans up and steps up to the plate !!!

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