Posts Tagged With: ahmed al dossary

Terri is looking for her dad Ahmed Al Dossary

Terri has reached out to the website in hopes of locating her father. This is her story:

This is my Father, Ahmed Al Dossary. I was born April 14th 1978 at Lake Forest hospital in Lake Forest, Illinois. I was given up for adoption at at about a month old, and was born without a thyroid. My mother was only 17 years old and a runaway herself, he called her Malik (meaning Angel in Arabic.) Her name was Angela Martin.

I was born Terri Lee Martin, the man who signed my birth certificate was his best friend/ cousin. I think his name was Fahd. or something similar. Details of the man who signed it are, birthday June 1955, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My father gave my older “adopted” sister an arab barbie to be given to me when I knew the truth of my adoption. I didn’t know I was adopted until I was twelve, I didn’t know alot of truths until Christmas a few years ago.

The things I was told about Ahmed was that he liked horses, cowboys, Andy Kaufman. He could speak 7 languages, and that he did want me. However, he wanted to take me back to Saudi Arabia and raise me muslim.

My biological mother refused to marry him or leave her country. I was about a month old when she found out that I was born without a thyroid, and her guardian’s ex-wife and husband adopted me. She was originally hired to be a nanny to their two youngest boys nanny. My adopted brother Mikey was particularly close to him. I’ve been told he was part of the royal family of Saud. I’m telling this for the sake of identity and not because I want anything more to actually know who he is, besides a face in a picture. Honestly, I’ve lived almost 43 years without him and if he still chooses to not walk through a door I opened for him, it’s on him. but it is opened, and I want him to know he has 2 gorgeous grandsons age 17 and 14.

If anyone has any information about Ahmed Al Dossary, his daughter is trying to contact him. You can email the website at

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